CONSTRUCTIONThe Quessua Mission station, center of education and heart of Methodism in Angola, was destroyed during the civil war. Support from churches in the Florida Conference and the Angolan government enabled the reconstruction of the station, which currently provides education and health care for many in the community and beyond.
WESLEYAN CHAPELS/CLASSROOMSEither for the farmers to meet for prayers in the morning or the children to meet for classes in the afternoon, the villages of Mufongo, Kula Muxito, Mangas, Cassusina and Terra Nova in the Quessua area have been blessed with new Wesleyan chapels/classrooms. The Florida Conference has partnered with the Angola Memorial Scholarship Fund (AMSF) in providing funding and resources for these places of worship, teaching and meetings at each community.
AGRICULTUREWhile the rebuilding of the war-torn Quessua Methodist Mission in Angola is complete, restoring self-sustainable community practices is an on-going effort of many. Agricultural missionary Kutela Katembo meets regularly with villagers for training, as well as the distribution of seeds to plant. Purchasing both seeds and tools can be a challenge for cash-strapped villagers. (General) Advance #3022272